Rowing around the Marina

Today, Finn and I came out to the boat with the hope that we’d take it out of the Waves Marina for the first time since we made this the Avalon’s home. However, it was not to be as I needed a first mate to feel comfortable taking it out and our expected first mate didn’t make it.

However, we were able to do a ton of much needed organizing. The key bit of organizing was to separate out the various tools into different buckets, including:

  • Tape
  • Bindings, zip ties & clamps
  • Wrenches/Clamps
  • Drill bits / Files
  • Screwdrivers

That has totally cleaned up the toolbox, so it now only has a few items like a hammer and a few key things, such as two (standard) screwdrivers instead of the 50 or so different types that used to be in there and always caused me to wade through a bunch of stuff for the most common tools.

I recently purchased a label maker and it’s encouraged me to go a bit wild on labeling things around the boat.

Outside of some organizational stuff, Finn and I also took the dinghy out for a row.

She took the opportunity to spread the joy of bubbles and…

of course, she very much wanted to row!

Was actually, somewhat hard to get back control of the oars once she got her hands on them!

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